The Who Knows Wins platform is pioneering in the way it links groups of players in a competitive, interactive way, pitching friends and colleagues against each other in community leagues to find our who really knows their sport. The more you know, the more you win – beating your friends, not the bookmakers!
Nick Jones, Gaming Advisor to the 5 Oceans Partnership, became the firm’s Chief Executive at the beginning of the year, bringing nearly 20 years of Private Equity experience in helping fund, invest, and manage a portfolio of gaming, sporting and media interests.
Nick said: “Who Knows Wins gives players the ability to win something based on the outcome of an event, while getting them more personally engaged in the outcome by competing directly against each other in leagues. It’s a social betting platform that will really revolutionise the global culture of having a flutter on sporting events.”
WKW has already reaped the benefits from leAD, the world’s first seed accelerator for innovative products, services and business models in the world of sports. Last year in Berlin the app was one of nine global start-ups to be selected for leAD’s 12-week training course in business, leadership and pitching skills, having graduated from 2017.
Andrew White, Director and Investor in WKW and Chairman of leAD sports accelerator said: “We identified WKW as having the potential to be massively disruptive in the betting space, joining together the twin USPs of sports betting and social engagement. The UK market is worth £5bn alone, and this product has global scale.”
The WKW premise is straightforward. A league is set up containing a number of sporting fixtures, and all you have to do is make your predictions on the outcomes of these fixtures. For every correct selection you gain a point, and the more points you gain, the more chance you’ll have of winning.
Each league has an entry stake and the pot distribution is set out before the league begins. It’s then up to the group to pit their sporting wits against each other to see who really knows their stuff, and of course, Who Knows Wins!
Download the app on the app store and Google Play –