Again I have read and heard people getting involved in Ben Stokes’s world, already talking about him being rested etc, just let him play.
Some people look into this too much, resting this and that – but that is nonsense to me. I was never somebody who wanted to be rested, if I was fit to play – I would play.
Resting can do more harm than good, especially as a bowler – if you even take two weeks off your bowling muscles get softer and more relaxed and then when you go and do it again, that is when you are at your most vulnerable so that is why for me it is nonsense, if he is fit to ball he bowls, if not then he doesn’t.
England’s Ben Stokes – RealTime Images
I don’t see the point in resting somebody, especially still having them around – if you do, then send them away on holiday and back to their families, because if they are there they are still thinking and are in the bubble and still thinking, if they are fit to play, they play – if not then send them away to recharge, that is what it should be about.
If you are a bowler, ask any top bowler – they don’t want to be rested because the difference between having two weeks off and then coming back is massive. You have to get your body back in tune and bowling muscles strength back up – bowling is not an exact science, it is a unique thing and when you bowl you have muscles that need to be strengthened and the only way to do that is keeping bowling so you can do more harm than good.
Just let him get on with playing his cricket, if he is playing well he is enjoying and if he is enjoying it then he won’t feel it – I know Ben will wont to play – people are saying he shouldn’t be doing this and that but that is just people promoting themselves and trying to create headlines for someone who does not want headlines – and that is Ben.
You have to let him play, he is enthusiastic, a winner and you let him play – simple as that.